Integration and Segmentation

This paper will discuss segmentation techniques for a marketing plan for new flavored peanuts to the CEO of a school. Segmentation will focus on information based by location, behavior and actions taken by the visitor. Briefly, we will discuss about Click-Path-Analysis and the importance about the relationship between page views on the website based by design and functionality. Lastly, we will answer specific questions about Analytical Report Finder and narration on how to navigate through the website.
Literature Review
Segmentation of data is the process of filtering data by metrics and dimensions for analyzing visitors for the company’s website. Segmentation of the visitors based by a few variations such as user traits. User traits is also known as personas of a description of a typical user on the site. This example would be: students who love baseball who buy peanuts regularly. Another example of segmentation of visitors on the website is by demographics and behaviors; the visitor is from New York, and they got on the website by organic search from a browser (Beasley, 2013).  Acquisition reports shows how a visitor arrived to your site, which would explain showing if they were either from a referral or direct traffic. These reports also help with marketing campaigns to attract these visitors such as traffic source dimensions. One great example is a source from each referral to a website has an origin, such as students that are friends on, which is a referral site, that they are sharing links and information about the school’s new peanut flavor. Conversions are actions taken by visitors on a website and the marketing prospective understanding of their interest of the company’s products and service. Learning about visitors to a company’s website is understanding their behaviors. Conversion and Behavior Reports are really about learning about your visitors and the activities on the website based by their behaviors. Again, some students that are interested in sports and activities enjoy fun times with their friends and eating snacks. This type of promotion for the school can be a great marketing campaign on the visualization of supporting students who love sports; while watching the baseball game with friends enjoying the schools’ new flavor peanut snacks. Lastly, these two considerations are important for the company to consider:
1)      What does the school want the users to do on the website? (The connection of business goals and users goals)
2)      What measures of behaviors do the school want the students to take action from viewing the website? (Intensions of performed actions)
These questions are important because it sets the goals of the school (students purchasing the new flavor peanuts) and the actual actions of (students buying the new flavored peanuts).

Click-Path-Analysis is the design and understanding on the path on which visitors will “click” through the website. When building a website there is the idea or design on the flow of the website and the information that is included within. There is more of an importance then just color and looks; there is also a need of functionality based by how the user will interact within the website and also “click on pages” (Beasley, 2013).  The real focus is the relationship between pages in concerning the needs of the visitor for what is offered on the website. In this paper we will focus on the ability of action for customers to click through pages of the website in purchasing flavored peanuts for the school.
Analytics Goals: Integration and Segmentation Techniques
In recommending tools and techniques for the CEO of the school, to use the Unified App + Web development from Google Analytics, based by Google Analytics 360 (GA 360). These techniques covers; Exploration, User explorer, Funnel analysis, Path analysis, and Segment overlap.
·         Exploration Reports uses customization in individual analysis of comparing reports to the custom reports from universal Analytics, the App + Web exploration technique of two areas of depth and usability.  The dimensions and metrics in this reports can display up to five dimensions in a row of a table with more than 20 options to individualize and refine this technique.
·         User Explorer are for customizing metrics in reports with segmentation and filters. Within the App + Web version there is the abilities to remove metrics, segments, and filters with drag-and-drop functions. The User Explore feature can be great for tracking movements of individual customers by; adding value along with troubleshooting events.

·         Funnel Analysis containing up to 10 steps of sequence that is adjusted in time. This technique can also be open or closed; example of the insights into chronological sequence, and understand customer journey of certain segment and optimization.

Funnel analyses can either be open or closed which is optional or obligatory. This is to get an insight into the chronological sequence; time spans between the steps can be visualized. This is very beneficial for the CEO to comprehend the customer journey of segmentation and optimization.

·         Path Analysis focus on user flows, with applying segments and changing dimensions. Within App + Web is different because of data modeling of tracking by events, which allows the organization to gain less user-based than event-base on insights.
Segment Overlap is beneficial of using up to three segments for redefining of filters and breakdowns. This portion of the system uses an interactive diagram that provides information between correlated segments (Ramm, 2020).

Recommendations to the CEO of the school, there would some considerations to think about when marketing the new flavored peanuts and focusing on some topics to consider. Segmentation helps filter data by metrics and dimensions for analyzing visitors of your website based by variations of user traits, is by demographics and behaviors. Next, considering acquisition reports will show what visitors arriving to site, which is either from a referral or direct traffic. These reports also help with marketing campaigns to attract these visitors such as traffic source dimensions. Conversion and Behavior Reports to focus on learning visitors’ activities on the website based by their behaviors. As demonstrated in the beginning a great marketing plan for the school is to promote to students who love baseball who buy peanuts regularly; based by their location from New York. The focus would ideally be sports related and how students can use to share their fun time and stories about the school’s new peanut. Based by the question in the table here are a few things to consider in the marketing plan, such as 320 session were used by mobile, and tablet users on the landing pages. Location of students whom you could target is Illinois, being the second largest state with number of 38 sessions, and there is a 13.22% of returning visitors based by sessions. Concluding with this information would be great in understanding the geographic location of visitors, and the percentage of return visitors that would come back to the schools’ website.
Marketing Plan for New Flavored Peanut Snack
Below shows a relationship diagram on how this marketing campaign for the new flavored peanut could be market to students, either watching or playing in a sport activity and having fun with friends while snaking on the new flavor peanut. Lastly, this story can be shared on through a story with photos, caption, and hashtags.


Focusing on integration and segmentation; includes the connection of business goals in marketing a campaign for the school’s new flavored peanuts and about learning visitor’s behaviors on the school’s website.

Beasley, M. (2013). Practical web analytics for user experience: How analytics can help you understand your users. Boston: Morgan Kaufmann imprint of Elsevier.

Ramm, H., (2020) Explore Depths of Your Data in App + Web’s Analysis Tools. Google Analytics.


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