Dashboards, Data Quality and Risk



In this paper will discuss dashboard design and quality, and the effectiveness of its usability. Also there is a prototype design by Excel, and the reason of particular visibility of data within the dashboard. There will also be a brief summary of data quality and risk factor; along with possible risk factors of the passing of data via online for Internet Shopping.  

Literature Review

Business Intelligence Systems that are interactive computer-based structures and subsystems to help decisions makers use as communication technologies such as data and documents for knowledge.

Because dashboards are a view of Business intelligence systems (BIS) of interactive computer-based structures and subsystems that will assist decision makers in using technologies, data, documents, knowledge and analytical models in identifying and solving problems; they are used to improve operational performance. On a dashboard; they should be categorized based by two types: first, Model-driven, which are to utilize analytical construction for forecasting, optimization algorithms, and simulations, decision trees, and rules engines. Secondly, Data-driven; deal with data warehouses, and databases, and online analytical processing (OLAP) technology (Hall, PhD., 2003).

This would also depend on the mission of the organization and their goals. Based by the outputs will showing decision making to organization performance such as: displaying metrics, graphical trend analysis, capacity gauges, graphical maps, percentage shares, stoplights, and variance comparison. The dashboards normally shows a user interface design allowing presentations of complex relationships and performance measurements in formatting easy understandable time pressured to managers and CEOs of the organization.


Dashboard Requirements

Recommending the requirements to the school’s CEO which is really about competition and decisions making. The organization would need to use dashboards for accurate decision making to evaluate current trends, historical performance metrics, and forecasting planning.

BIS developments offer many systems in providing links and end user interface, such as the CEO, to access and receive selective information like the competitor behavior, industry trends and current decision options. Using dashboards are to increase the school’s acceptance and use new systems to allocate the decision making and assisting in balance organizational visibility.

Specific features that should be standard to the end user are:


·         Filter, sort, and analyze data

·         Formulate ad hoc, predefined reports and templates

·         Provide drag and drop capabilities

·         Produce drillable charts and graphs

·         Support multi-languages

·         Generate alternative scenarios.

Dashboards have many varieties of linking performance metrics of decision making to the company. The school can view near to real time data of the new flavored peanut being sold in the city’s locations, the amount of students buying, and the peak times they are being sold. The usefulness of using dashboards for the standpoint of decision making is BIS visualization tools providing an exceptional way to view data and information in detailed outputs. Such outputs results in performance such as: displaying metrics, graphical trend analysis, capacity gauges, graphical maps, percentage shares, stoplights, and variance comparison (Hall, PhD., 2003).

A basic dashboard illustration structure on the decision making process:

Illustration from (Hall, PhD., 2003).

In the above illustration, demonstrates the basic structure of a dashboard in the process of a decision making process.  Basically, the dashboard integrates the data warehouse and analytical models directly into the decision making process. Continuously, the process is formatted of an ongoing environmental scanning and feedback from current performance metrics such as inventory turns. Behind the scenes, is really a graphical interface with supportive analytical systems of statistical analysis data validation, combination forecasting algorithms, and expert systems for expert systems for decision making options analysis and recommendations (Hall, PhD., 2003).

Significance of Training

The significance of training for a successful BIS application, is at time at the last minute based by “how to use the system”. The seriousness of training before, during and after the implementation of the system assisting the culture change needed to maximize accepting the organization such as Training simulators representing one approach to improving system utilizations and increasing the schools return on investment.

Some basic challenges the CEO should know:

·         Integrating optimization based models with enterprise resources planning systems.

·         Developing observational oriented approach to data modeling including manual and automated processing.

·         The design of intelligent agents used for the process of support decision making.

·         To formulate the adaptive and cooperating systems used for evaluation and feedback in improving the decision making process.

·         Also the use of speech recognitions in the development of improving human/computer interface, allowing managers to increase decision making supporting flow volumes and the exploration in a wide range of unstructured decision applications (Hall, PhD., 2003).

Dashboard Prototype

 (Dashboard was create watching, HowtoExcell.net, 2018, and data information USCDornsife.com, University of Southern California, 2020)

The dashboard that was created by a prototype based by the idea to promote to the CEO on different sales based by: students who bought peanuts, sales by flavored peanuts, sales by school regions, and lastly sales by flavors and dates. Each dimension and metrics shows a pie graph, different angles of bars and a timeline of sales by flavors. The dashboard showing data based by the different metrics and dimensions is imperative for a company’s business to understand what flavors have been sold, the dates when the flavors were sold, for forecasting, and the school region sales, and to know which school is selling the most peanuts. The CEO can make a better decision based by the above prototype to make the decision on the up-coming new flavored peanuts.

Risk Factors of Data Analysis, Issues and Quality

The challenges of Big Data quality are the characteristics of: volume, velocity, variety, and value (Cai and Zhu, 2015).

·         Volume of data means the measurement of data of terabits or above magnitude

·         Velocity means the speed of data that is formed in an exceptional pace

·         Variety is the big data that has many types, diversities dividing into structures and unstructured.

·         Value represents the low-value density that is inversely proportional to the total size data that is greater in scale and relatively valuable data.

Based by these four characteristics in quality of data; the challenges happen when enterprises are used and process big data, extracting high-quality and real data from massive, variable, and complicated data sets becomes a crucial issue.

These concerning issues are:

·         Diversity in data sources that brings many data types and complex structures and increases the difficulty of data integration.

·         The data volume is huge and difficult to judge data quality within a reasonable length of time.

·         Data changes very fast and the timelines of the data is short, in which the necessities are higher in the requirements for processing technology.

Data quality really is dependent on the business environment that is using the data, including process and business users. Ideally, data is only conformed to the relevant uses and meets requirements are considered as “qualified or good quality data”. The quality standards of data are based by the perspectives of data creators. Also, consumers are either direct or indirect creators, which is also ensuring the data quality. The start of Big Data along with the diversity of resources, and data users are not really producers, which is difficult to measure data quality (Cai and Zhu, 2015).

Other recommendation of risk based by Internet shopping, include demographics of the consumer and credit card fraud via Internet. Here are a few risk that could be involved:

·         Some consumers do not want to shop online because of the risk of credit card number securities that could cause financial risk

·         Difficult of judging quality of product/service of (perceived product performance risk).

·         Do not trust of personal information will be kept private (perceived as a psychological risk)

·         Faster/easier to purchase locally (perceived time/ convenience loss risk)( Forthsythe, and Shi, 2003).

The imperative risk factor is credit card fraud via internet is mostly with security protection and confidentiality, this is very important to the consumer of breach of data. In recommending the school insuring data is not breached, the CEO will need to insure proper Internet Protocols are placed and securities of network layers, which is responsible for data transmission across networks between layers (Rhee., 2003) .





Dashboard help with the visualization of understanding the data to make companies make decision for the present and forecasting marketing plans. Without painting a perfect picture there is no view to see the beauty art. The dashboard gives clear colorful view for the CEO to make decision to drive the schools profit in selling flavored peanuts. There are many risk factors to consider in Internet Shopping, but carefully placing the right protocols to secure data will be the corrective action to keep consumer data safe.


Beasley, M. (2013). Practical web analytics for user experience: How analytics can help you understand your users. Boston: Morgan Kaufmann imprint of Elsevier.

Cai, L., and Zhu, Y., (2015) The Challenges of Data Quality and data Quality Assessment in the Big Data Era., Data Science Journal. Retrieved from https://datascience.codata.org/articles/10.5334/dsj-2015-002/


Forthsythe, S.,M., and Shi, B., (2003) Consumer Patronage and Risk Perceptions in Internet Shopping. Retrieved from http://www.drronmartinez.com/uploads/4/4/8/2/44820161/consumer_patronage_and_risk_perceptions.pdf


Hall, O., P., PhD., (2003) Using Dashboards Based Business Intelligence Systems. Retrieved from https://gbr.pepperdine.edu/2010/08/using-dashboard-based-business-intelligence-systems/

HowtoExcell.net (2018) How To Create Dashboards in Excel YouTube Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcdORXZjbbg&feature=youtu.be




Rhee., M. Y. (2003)  Internet Security. Cryptographic principles, algorithms. Retrieved from  and protocols http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=


USCDornsife.com, University of Southern California, (2020) Data Sample https://dornsife.usc.edu/assets/sites/298/docs/ir211wk12sample.xls



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