Data Retrieved from Twitter for Analysis Project
Works Cycles is currently planning on a marketing campaign for their new
product BMX-9000 and in search for opinions and tweets from Twitter who are
active on social media of this topic. Data was collected from Twitter with the hashtag
BMX to find data that is useful in helping AWC accomplish their goals to market
the BMX-9000. Below are some valuable data collected that were analyzed from
the Twitter tweet.
Graph Metrics
Self-Loops are the number of data that self-connections
of 837
Connected Components of 460 that are not connected to
each other; tweets that do not mention any other user.
Graph Density refers to the low density of low amount
of users not mention in other tweets
Graph Metric
Graph Type
Unique Edges
Edges With Duplicates
Total Edges
Reciprocated Vertex Pair Ratio
Reciprocated Edge Ratio
Connected Components
Single-Vertex Connected Components
Maximum Vertices in a Connected
Maximum Edges in a Connected
Maximum Geodesic Distance
Average Geodesic Distance
Graph Density
Not Applicable
NodeXL Version
Vertices Table
Table of the first 13 users
In-Degree that are large value in yellow are users
frequently mentioned in others tweets.
Out-Degree that are large value in orange are users
who frequently mention other people.
Followed in light green is the number of people that
person follows.
Followers in light lavender is the number of followers
that person has.
Tweets in light brown is the number of tweets that
have originated.
Location in light blue represents the location of the
Joined in light pink represents how long the person
has been on Twitter.
Custom Menu Items Action in orange is the link to each
user’s profile.
Connection of “BMX” Tweets Graph
The closed loops are the users that do not mention
another user in the tweet.
Top 10 Key Influencers

In this table AWC wanted to know who the top 10
influencers of BMX tweet are; I did a filter of the largest to smallest
followers and number from 1-10. As shown in the table above YouTube is the
first influencer, along with Rockstargames, Nateophotos and Monsterenergy.
I decided to do the filter by the largest amount of
followers as influencers because that will show who has the most people following and viewing
the user. Companies and or person such as YouTube, Monster Energy, and Red Bull
are well known companies and brands in the market. But if AWC wanted to know
who the remainder of top 10 users; they will have to do some research using the
link to find out more about the unknown user.
Example, if AWC has done their research and found out
that Rock Star Games were a BMX game tournament and Vans_66, Cirque, Koyabukazutoyo,
and Boohoo are famous cyclers or highly users in the BMX cycling market; AWC
would want to contact them to help in the marketing campaign. AWC could use sponsors such as Red Bull or Monster
Energy with their products in the marketing and promote it through YouTube.
This data retrieved from Twitter not only shows the
most dominated influencer but also shows the connection in marketing for a
business through high analyzation.
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