
Showing posts from July, 2020

Measuring Targets for your website, Pairing user ability to design, and changes of a website

1.     A plan for implementing analytics to measure the performance of an organization's online and offline business initiatives is called a measurement plan. Avinash Kaushik has defined a five-step model for developing a measurement plan. These steps are outlined in this week's lesson. STEP 1: Identify the business objective. STEP 2: Identify goals for each objective. STEP 3: Identify the key performance indicators. STEP 4: Identify the targets. STEP 5: Identify valuable segments for analysis. Using Occam's Razor Blog, book readings, and or outside research, select and discuss one of the steps above. Give an example that illustrates that step. Tip: As mentioned in this week's lesson, additional support is located on the  Kaushik   (Links to an external site.) blog post "Digital Marketing and Measurement Model" from Occam's Razor Blog by Avinash Kaushik . When choosing step 4: STEP 4: Identify the targets. Based by this week’s lesson...

Web Analytics Report: Acquisition Reports

Abstract This paper will discuss the importance of Web Analytics reporting and online experience of website visitors. Also, the importance of Web Analytics 2.0 in goals and conversion rates reporting on who, when, where and traffic analysis reports. There will also be a recommendations on a marketing plan on how the school’s CEO to gain profit on new flavored peanuts. Web Analytics 2.0                                                                                                     ...

Why Goals are important to a new website

1.     An organization has just designed and implemented a new website but needs to understand the process of establishing goals and goal reporting. What types of questions should this organization ask and address, and why? Goals are used to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns at getting visitors to take some action that generates revenue for an organization.   First it depends on the goal of the website, what is the website for and what do they want to accomplish for the company and their visitors? That should be the first question in asking themselves as an organization. The conversion is any kind of action that you want the visitors to take on a website. Two important ideas of web analytics is the goal and the conversion, is the same thing of getting used interchangeability. My example of a website I wanted to produce is having a variety of photos, videos, news articles, fashion and art in one online Magazine. When asking what the goal...