
Showing posts from 2012

For My Aunt Anna Marie

My aunt passed away September 2009, and I took some photos of the memorial service. A year after her death to mark the year a nniversary I did alittle touch up and added her name and day in her remeberance,

Firecatcher Series

This Photo was taken in 2009 Then I got creative and searched online for a fireball photo or graphic. With photoshop I was able to compine the photos and create this effect of me holding the fire call and placed it over the candle. There is some sligth deffrence between the two photos, the fireball itself is brighter and more detailed. After this photo I decided to ad more to it to make it look animated. Of course I did not stop there! I added another effect that made if look more better with the color gold and black. This photo above is very beautiful and I adore it very much! But my last art I did it without any hard effort, I was only messing around with the photo with orange, red, and yellow, and I mad this beautiful art! Which one is your favorite one? I love them all but the red, orange and yellow is the best one yet!